The Mac Knot

My parents have been friends with Mac for 55 years. So, I’ve known him all my life.

This is Mac and me on the beach, circa 1983:

Mac and Tess

Shortly after this photo was taken, I was playing on the sand at this beach, and a freakishly large wave came out of nowhere and swept me out into the surf. Mac was the first to jump up and come and save me, reacting before my parents.

But this story is not about Mac saving my life.

This story is about Mac and shoelaces.

Mac is fascinated by the workings of things, and it is typical of him to want to invent better ways of doing things. One day, Mac decided he wasn’t satisfied with the traditional way of tying laces.

A normal, single knot is easy to undo, but often comes undone all by itself:

A double knot is sturdy, but annoying when the wearer needs to undo it:

So, Mac invented his own knot.

The Mac Knot:

The Mac Knot is a way of tying shoelaces that is as sturdy as a double knot, but as easy to undo as a single knot.

This knot is so perfect, that it’s hard to argue with it. So, everyone who learns the Mac Knot continues using it. I’ve been doing it since I was a kid, and my kids now do it as well.

I’m going to teach you the Mac Knot, not because I literally owe my life to Mac at that day at the beach, but because it’s genuinely a superior knot. 

0. Hold one lace in each hand. You’ve got this:

1. Start with the normal starting position, lace over lace and pull it through:

2. Make two “bunny ears.” You may already tie your shoelaces with bunny ears, as it’s one of the most popular ways to tie lace. If you do, great! You’re already most of the way there:

3. Loop one bunny ear over and under the other, pulling it back through:

4. Pause! Resist the urge to pull both ears to tighten the knot.

Instead, you’re going to take that bunny ear and loop it over and back through one more time:

5. Pull both bunny ears tight:

7. You’ve done a Mac knot!

8. To undo, simply pull the ends of both laces, and the knot will unravel:

See the whole thing in action here:

I hope you try the Mac Knot, love it, and teach it to everyone you know.

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